Friday, February 21, 2014

Port Calls:Queen Bee Sailing

Notes for Class Notice Desired

Would love to make an arrangement, with  just a man of means, with time to share as well as everything that matters, and also depending if you are a business man as well, and part of the 420 community with lands and have a need for a new crop would be ideal. A man in his golden years, with the experience in law, business, 420 connections, and the place to grow, play, and expand, is desired for lasting friendship with more or less, what you dream of or not. Spanish is what I speak, and want to take to next level so if you speck Spanish would be a plus, land to grow, and space for the 420 to set up shop would be something out of this world, and a large order.

This is the year of the horse. Not sure what that may mean to you. The day of rebirth is March 18, every year, did you die a little death, and now waiting for the rebirth, when you become something different? Just my personal views, and my birthday, and what it means to be a fish swimming in circles, full circle and that can happen daily or not depending on how many times you need to start over. Stories of the life and times of a California Girl, from the shores of Catalina Island, and the main land of California with ties to the seas, oceans, Navy and the Marines, and the Army also, we served in them all, and I had my turn at bat with the military period. It was a great time, and it was a song and a dance for a period, the returns are shared and enjoyed on a daily basic, and more is desired. Ready to sail the oceans blue?

So let me know if you want to go to next step. Maybe you already have a property that you own free and clear, and need new life to start with the expand on ideas that you wanted to explore. Need place to  rent or buy (it could be a lot to ask for, you to use your credit to secure a place to have fun ) in Montclair,Upland,Ontario, or Moreno valley are okay also. send cell number for pictures or email with do also. Do not request pictures, if you are unable to send pictures with your reply, pictures of your location and land for grown intentions, and stats and location is very important also. The Beach is first choice, but a view of water is second choice, than the mountains, not buildings and houses , a lake or waterfalls would be best. Dreams and wishes are noted.

We met others alone the way during our life time, for a reason: either you are a blessing or you are a lesson.

Candy girl-not just cute, brains also 

This was what was on the table for the men of means with time and space, and free will to hope on the train to Cooley High, for the rides alone the coast of the countries on chart for a port call, the ship was the Queen Bee, the wonder of honey, with all the worker bees at top form for the making connects for the honey production. It was the ship used for the family reunion for the three day event, and the was the beginning. It was about living on a ship for weeks at a tip with all the parties, and the people with brains and the toys to match, it was another live time event, and it all started with an ad. The search was on for a man with means, a man with brains, and a man with skills with the 420 connections, and places to go from port to port. Life on a ship will be a lot different than camping out in a RV, with out so much. Planes, trains, ships, and jets, are the means of travel for the family members to get to the port of Jackson, for the 6 pm sailing, with a grace period of half a hour only. That is the best we can do for the late comers, so we did not have to worry about the people that got there early. We were set to have a blast again sailing the ocean blue.

Starr and Sabrina Jackson,were the twins with the same birthday as second cousin, Sima Jarrot from Cuba, they all were born the day day twenty -six years ago. It was there birthday, and it was a trip back to the beginning, the place where they were created. There position as the sparkle of the eye was changed, to a new life created on the shores of Ti hat, and the three angels were sent that day. They came on a Wednesday in Ti hit on a American ship filled with American sailing the oceans blue, and they all were born on board, and every year we go back, and it is some that we do again and again. The candles come out, and the float up in the sky jarring the lights in three colors, on the shores of Tat. Have you ever been there to see this event, that is marked on the calenders as a day to party, eat and have a new life on the day of rebirth.

What a joy it was in March on the day of rebirth or the 18th, for all the others, and it was about the fish fry that was going to happen, on that day. It was a day set for fun and games, and we had to hurry to make sure that we had first choices for the clothes for the parties on board the ship. Themes for the parties for 3 parts of the day, by the pool another party was set for the vamps on board, then the fairies, and the butterflies, were set just for Friday night. Not sure how they planned to pull that off, but it should be fun, is all that I can think about. Most of our party were mixed with blood from the whites,American Indians, Creole and Cajun, Jewish, Japanese, Black, Irish, Cuban and Middle Eastern, and it was a great mix. 

Let see if you want a perfect man, from John Tesh this is what he had to say about it. Wait for it. Sorry I did not hear it, so you have to google it your self, maybe later I will find time to share that with you at another time. 

It is time now for the rebirth, the little deaths happen at least seven times in 2013, and the cross that we had to live thought, I would not wish it on a dog with two legs. It was a time without directions, and it was a time of darkness, and a lot of loss, and the faces and the masks changed and were not able to survive in the light of day. Ties were cut, and the messages were sent, but it was not noted, because the story was told from the wrong point of view. Threats were made, lies were told from all directions, and truthfulness and honest were punch lines, just like trust me the Jewish way or was it moot?

1 comment:

  1. Top girls in the history lessons taught in classes still, tales of the Vikings in the 9th or the 10th century, and views on love and hate, horns of a goat. Happy and delighted for the gifts to write a tale or two for the goodness and mercy angels out tonight. Blue stars shooting bright tonight, wishes on the stars that shoot across the sky. Notes to the sinners and the saints out for the parties, and good times to play on the beach with whales. Whales or cows, are the same, twelve different types of cows. Killer whales are the biggest whales that I like, lived in Puget Sound, and saw the whales in the sound, on the way north. Happy and joyful are the herds of whales in the sea, not sure about the whales on land, happy and gay lifestyle of the whales on land?
